Friday, October 1, 2021 – 11:30am

Shepard Garden and Art Center, east of the parking lot.
3300 McKinley Blvd, Sacramento, CA, 95816
This is the same location that John M. uses for the regular Wednesday meetings. The alternate date is October 8, in the event of weather problems, too much smoke, or some other calamity. We don’t expect a need to move the date. If a change is necessary it will be posted here on the website .
A lot of you will be reading this even though we haven’t seen you for awhile. Come anyway. We want to see you. See next paragraph about sandwiches. RSVP’s are encouraged (sandwiches) but not required. Just show up. And we’d love to see you again at any of our other meetings, online or in-person.
Bring a chair if you have one, and a pen, and we will provide sandwiches, chips, drinks, and something other than donuts. The regular Friday meeting will follow the business meeting.
We will post an agenda on the website, which will include –
Grant Miller Award. This is is to recognize and appreciate a member of Step 2 Men’s Group who has contributed significantly and who has demonstrated grace under pressure in hard situations.
Elections. We will elect the General Secretary, Treasurer, and General Services Representative. If you are interested and willing to serve, please let Mark C. or me know. We may be able to put together a ballot (with plenty of room for write-ins) to have available at the meeting.
Treasurers Report.
Location and Frequency of meetings. We have been meeting 7 days a week with 4 meetings online and 3 in the park. We are a small group and some meetings are not well attended. We can discuss continuing the 7 day schedule, or reducing the number of meetings. We don’t know if or when we will be able to return to our former room at the St Francis administrative building, so we need to discuss prospective solutions.
Other Old and New Business.
Finally, if you have not been vaccinated please consider doing so. We don’t want anyone to be concerned for their safety or that of their families because they attend our meetings. A core principle of our group is kindness to others.
Your General Secretary,
Tom W.