Step 2 Men’s Gazette
September 01, 2020 Vol. One No. 35
Who is This guy?
Ever get tired of wearing a mask?
Do you ever think of the positives.
Especially with the longer hair, the couple extra pounds, and basic bargain clothing from online ordering
items on sale, virtually no one, none of the witnesses of my sordid past, will recognize me.
At least that has been part of my theory so far.
What do I care? I really only like hangin with my family and some trusted souls from AA. Why do I want
to run into these characters from my past.
Do I really need to hear……
“Oh, I never knew you were an alcoholic.”
“You sure you can’t have just a couple beers with us ?”
“Where the hell you been?” immediately followed by “ I’m sorry, what was your name again? “
Not really, No.
So, as I stated last month, some people still do not get my forgiveness. I do not formally recognize any
amend they deserve other than, “I should have phrased it differently when I described your sexual
proclivities off subject and angrily”.
However, I have resolved to do some things different and maybe that resolve might help you too.
First, I try to avoid political positions. I have them still but I no longer feel it is my job to convert the
Second, no major professional franchise nor professional player, all of whom perform at their craft
beyond anything I could ever do, sucks anymore. I will look at the Rams, Dodgers, Lakers, Clippers,
Chargers and Padres AND their fans with nothing but benevolence. No matter what is said. Ah hell, I will
throw in all the teams just in case.
Third, I do promise to work on my forgiveness of the hated eight. I will henceforth only call them the
Eight. Its all I can do but a start.
Fourth, and this is the most important. I will try to be nicer, kinder and more generous to the random
folks I encounter in every day life. Not only to make up for my shortcomings on forgiving the people I
know. But because AA has taught me of the right things to do.
I can hear skepticism already. “You re full of sh#$.”
Maybe…… maybe. But hey, I wrote it out. And I got a column…..
Contributed by John M.
Pass the Basket… please?
As we enter the umpteenth week or so without meeting in person…there’s a big elephant in the room! You guessed it…revenue from our contributions. Our trusted servants, Step 2 Men’s Group Treasurer Dan Mc. and General Secretary Tom W. are asking our help.

In fact, we’re all asking each of you and us…to make a contribution to the group. Please make your check or money order payable to “Dan McKinley” and mail direct to: Dan McKinley P.O. Box 221756 Sacramento, CA. 95822.
While an amount of $50 is ideal, we understand this may not be possible for all or even desirable. Any amount is much appreciated, any amount is thoughtful. As always, it is an entirely voluntary contribution. There will be no judging! Well…not much anyway. Just kidding, no one share whether or if you assisted.
Please give what you can. Our group remits a great deal to Central Office, St. Francis Church (both rent & causes) and other expenses. Thank you in advance all of you…you guys are awesome!

“People don’t care about being duped as long as they’re happy, which is the shortest form of happiness; hence ‘self-duprication’ becomes a habit.”
― Criss Jami, Killosophy
“it does seem
the more we drink
the better the words go.”
― Charles Bukowski, You Get So Alone at Times That it Just Makes Sense
“All political movements are basically anti-creative — since a political movement is a form of war. “There’s no place for impractical dreamers around here,” that’s what they always say. “Your writing activities will be directed, kindly stop horsing around.” “As for the smoking of marijuana, it is the exploitation for the workers.” Both favor alcohol and are against pot.”
― William S. Burroughs
“Religion is a non-alcoholic man’s alcohol. Alcohol is a non-religious man’s religion”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana, Divided & Conquered
“Ô, wine!, the truth-serum so potent that all those who wish to live happy lives should abstain from drinking it entirely!… except of course when they are alone.”
― Roman Payne, The Wanderess
“Like anybody can tell you, I am not a very nice man. I don’t know the word. I have
always admired the villain, the outlaw, the son of a bitch. I don’t like the clean-shaven
boy with the necktie and the good job. I like desperate men, men with broken teeth
and broken minds and broken ways. They interest me. They are full of surprises and
explosions. I also like vile women, drunk cursing bitches with loose stockings and
sloppy mascara faces. I’m more interested in perverts than saints. I can relax with
bums because I am a bum. I don’t like laws, morals, religions, rules. I don’t like to be
shaped by society.”
― Charles Bukowski, South of No North
“My problem was not only drinking; it was selfishness. The booze was leading me to put myself ahead of others, especially my family. I loved Laura and the girls too much to let that happen. Faith showed me a way out.”
― George W. Bush, Decision Points
“Day zero, the disaster, the serious shock, the near self-destruction.
Day two, the suffering, the repentance, the depression, and the promises.
Day three, the recovery, the wall, some light, and the joy.
Day four, the strength, the resolution, the celebration, and the plan.
Day five, exercise to purify and strengthen, the first twinge, small and beaten.
Day six, many twinges, major twinges, the doubt, the questions, the boredom, the resentment, and the wall begins to crumble.
Day seven, off to buy booze.”
― Robert Black
― My head is spinning as I scrawl with my pen
‘Cause I’ve been pouring vodka in my soul
Nothing really ever changes my friend
New lamps for old
New lamps for old
We sing the same old song, just like a vintage car
You can look but you won’t ever drive it
We drink the same old wine from a brand new jar
We get hung over, but we always survive it.
― Pete Townshend, “New Song”
From an idea by George T.
Monday: Tim C.
Tuesday: Dick M.
Wednesday: John M.
Thursday: Bob R. w/ Mark W.
Friday: Dan Mc.
Saturday: David K.
Sunday: “LIVE” In Person at McKinley Park w/ Mark C.
Want to add your name to the “Back-up-Help-Substitute Secretary List”? Just contact Group GS, Tom W., Treasurer Dan Mc. or any Monday through Sunday Secretaries and let them know!
Step2MensGroup.com (!!!)

Numbers for August
This excludes the last 3 Sundays in August as we met in person at McKinley Park.
(dont’ forget to join us Sundays at 11:30am)
Chart 1 is the percentage of total connections by device type.
Chart 2 is the percentage of connection time in seconds
Here’s the connection info for joining the meeting, in case anyone missed it.
Contributed by Mark C.
“Mouse’s Corner”
A.A. member Dave Mc. curates a few selected readings from a variety of A.A. related publications each month. Dave is a life long friend of the editor and has been sober 34 years. His childhood nickname was “Mouse!”

“As we go through the day we pause, when agitated or doubtful, and ask for the right thought or action. We constantly remind ourselves we are no longer running the show, humbly saying to ourselves many times each day, ‘Thy will be done.’ We are then in much less danger of excitement, fear, anger, worry, self-pity, or foolish decisions.”
Decisions, The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous
“…you have digested some big chunks of truth about yourself.”
How It Works, page 71, The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous
“To watch loneliness vanish, to see a fellowship grow up about you, to have a host of friends.”
Working With Others, page 89, The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous
“Our relationship to a higher power of our understanding is too important to think it can only thrive in good weather. Life gives and takes and it’s not personal.”
Living Clean, page 61
Contributed by Dave Mc.
First Wednesday… September 2nd

John M. reviews Step 9 on September 2nd (First Wednesday). “Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.”
You mean like send them a quick text, right? Umm, probably not. How did or do you clean your side of the street? How do others?
John reviews the step corresponding to the number of that month on each first Wednesday. It’s a rewarding meeting with John outlining the step of the month, how he was challenged by it and how we tackle it ourselves, with and without success! Look for his monthly contribution in this edition!
September Birthdays… IF They Make It!
Michael L. – September 15th… Michael celebrates 7 years!
Jeff B. – September 18th… Jeff celebrates 2 years!

If your birthday has been missed….there are TWO ways to get included:
* PLEASE ‘reply’ by email now…OR…log-on to step2mensgroup.com with…
- Your First Name w/ Last initial
- Your “AA’ Birthday (ex.8/1/18)
We really want to celebrate your AA anniversary because your birthday made ours possible!
Thanks everybody and apologies to you if you were missed or incorrectly noted.
Alcoholics Anonymous ‘Daily Reflection…’
September 1
If more gifts are to be received, our awakening has to go on. — AS BILL SEES IT, p.8
Sobriety fills the painful “hole in the soul” that my alcoholism created. Often I feel so physically well that I believe my work is done. However, joy is not just the absence of pain; it is the gift of continued spiritual awakening. Joy comes from ongoing and active study, as well as application of the principles of recovery in my everyday life, and from sharing that experience with others. My Higher Power presents many opportunities for deeper spiritual awakening. I need only to bring into my recovery the willingness to grow. Today I am ready to grow.
From the book Daily Reflections
Copyright © 1990 by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.
Joke Box

An AA group gave an old-timer a pin, recognizing his outstanding humility. The first time he wore it…they took it back! J.C. Burbank, CA. April 2008

How can you tell the difference between a sponsor and a therapist? The only time a sponsor says the word “closure”, he’s referring to your mouth! Andrew D. Frankfort, KY. May 2001

What’s the difference between self-esteem and ego? Self-esteem doesn’t need an audience! Thomas B. Pinellas Park, FL. August 2003

A man is living alone on a deserted island when finally a ship comes to rescue him. The captain notices a lot of buildings around the island, so the loner takes him on a tour. After walking a while, they come to a building with a sign out front that says “A.A. Group.” “Yes, indeed, I’m a member,” the loner says proudly. A little later on they walk past another building, and this one has the same sign, “A.A. Group” The ship’s captain is curious and asks “Another one?” The loner shrugs, “Oh that’s the meeting I won’t go to!” H.S. Arlington, TX. February 1984

A group of drunks were sitting on the steps of a building when another lush came along. “What you gonna do today, Jack?” he asked. “Nothin’. Not a damn thing! And I ain’t even gonna do that until this afternoon!” Robert S. Bellevue, WA. May 2008

“The Joke Box” features narratives, anecdotes and jokes from the AA publication “A Rabbit Walks Into a Bar”. Available at the AA Central Office, it contains the best material from the historic AA Grapevine. You can learn more at aagrapevine.org. Thanks to Anthony S. for picking up a copy and suggesting it!
My First Meeting

Please be “of service.” If you’ve never contributed a “My First Meeting”, please help to keep this column going…we need you! What do you remember most of your first meeting? It can be one sentence; it can be up to two paragraphs. Could be funny, poignant or strickly “clinical”. Write what you want…you might have enjoy writing it!
“I was in such a daze at my first meeting and was not ready to quit drinking. All I remember is a bunch of people smoking and drinking coffee and a lot of talk about God. I could not see why anyone would go to such meetings. Five years later I was talked into going to AA again. I drove away crying because I did not think there was anyone else in the world as screwed up as I was. I was so grateful to find other people like me and a possible way of staying sober.”
Great story…thanks Bob A.
Memory Lane…Remember the FUN We Had? (no joke!)
Funny Papers
Step 2 Men’s Group Believes…
“Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.”
We’d never presume that the 12 Steps are not clear. Nor would we imply that they need ‘improvement’. However…for purposes of assisting to keep the meeting pointed in an important direction each day, the ‘Step 2 Men’s Group statement is read as follows:
Step 2 Men’s Group is founded on the belief that spirituality is essential to our sobriety. Our group is non-religious, but we do not oppose anyone’s religious beliefs. We believe that respect for others and their beliefs are essential to our spiritual development. Accordingly we ask that avoid criticism of others or of their religion or lack of religion, their race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation, physical appearance, trade or profession, length of sobriety, or personal beliefs. Our goal is to further our spirituality, our sobriety and our personal development, not to confront or belittle others. Always remember to be kind to others.
Thanks to both George T. and Mark C. for taking over together the Editor’s desk the last three editions. Great job gentlemen, I needed you.
Thank you John M. Thanks to Mark C. for your contributions in making our online meetings a reality, managing our secretaries and guiding members through the process. He also wrote “Step2mensgroup.com.” Thanks to Dave Mc. for “Mouse’s Corner.” Thank you Anthony S. for the ‘Joke Box’. We’re still waiting for YOU gentle reader…Why YOU don’t contribute a short “something?” Any length, most any AA related topic. Reply now and it will get included next month!
Editors Note:On a serious note…the sender’s email address [email protected] has been created specifically for this newsletter. The ‘inbox’ may not be reviewed often. Every effort will be made to NOT share your email address with anyone w/o express written permission from you. You may ‘opt out’ at any time from this newsletter by simple reply…” Stop sending me this junk”! Please suggest columns, advice…ideas. Your comments are always welcome.

Step2 Men’s Gazette
September 01, 2020 Vol. One No. 35