Appendix A: Social Distancing Protocol
(Modified for In-Person Meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous within Sacramento County)
Groups must implement all applicable measures listed below, and be prepared to explain why any measure that is not implemented is inapplicable to the group.
☐ Signage at each public entrance of the facility to inform all service members and meeting attendees that they should: avoid entering the facility if they have a cough or fever; maintain a minimum six-foot distance from one another; sneeze and cough into a cloth or tissue or, if not available, into one’s elbow; and not shake hands or engage in any unnecessary physical contact.
☐ Signage posting a copy of the Social Distancing Protocol at each public entrance to the facility.
Measures To Protect Service Members and Meeting Attendee’s Health
☐ All service members and attendees have been told not to come to the meeting if sick.
☐ Symptom checks are being conducted before service members and attendees may enter the meeting space. (Signage posted at meeting entrance for all participants to review before entering)
☐ All tables and chairs are separated by at least six feet.
☐ Meeting rooms, bathrooms, and other common areas are being disinfected frequently, on the following schedule:
☐ Meeting rooms: Before and after designated meeting time.
☐ Bathrooms: Before and after designated meeting time.
☐ All tables, chairs, and surfaces are wiped down before and after designated meeting time.
☐ Disinfectant and related supplies are available to all participants at the following location(s):
☐ Hand sanitizer effective against COVID-19 is available to all participants at the following location(s):
☐ Soap and water are available to all participants at the following location(s):
☐ Copies of this Protocol have been distributed to all service members.
☐ Optional—Describe other measures:
Measures To Prevent Crowds From Gathering
☐ Limit the number of participants in the meeting room location at any one time to which allows for service members and meeting attendees to easily maintain at least six-foot distance from one another at all practicable times.
☐ Post a service member at the door to ensure that the maximum number of participants in the facility set forth above is not exceeded and a plan in place if maximum occupancy is reached.
☐ Optional—Describe other measures:
☐ Limit meeting length to 1 hour with no break.
☐ Discourage gathering in parking lot before, during, and after meeting.
☐ Other:
Measures To Keep People At Least Six Feet Apart
☐ Placing signs outside the facility reminding people to be at least six feet apart.
☐ Placing tape or other markings at least six feet apart in meeting attendee line areas inside the facility (e.g. restrooms) and on sidewalks at public entrances with signs directing meeting attendees to use the markings to maintain distance if applicable.
☐ Placing chairs and tables at least six feet apart in meeting facility and/or location.
☐ All service members and meeting attendees have been instructed to maintain at least six feet distance from each other, except service members may momentarily come closer when necessary to accept payment, deliver goods or services (e.g. literature), or as otherwise necessary.
☐ Preventing meeting attendees from circling up at the end of the meeting and holding hands to maintain six-foot distance.
☐ Optional—Describe other measures:
Measures To Prevent Unnecessary Contact
☐ Requiring meeting secretary and any other service member to wear gloves while handling any meeting materials, literature, meeting cards, or other items that may come into contact with another meeting attendee or service member.
☐ Providing for contactless 7th Tradition donations by placing 7th Tradition basket in stationary location, sanitizing basket or container which holds donations before and after meeting, and requiring service member responsible for collecting and handling donation to wear gloves and/or utilizing an electronic donation system.
☐ Utilizing electronic copies of readings that meeting attendees can access from their personal electronic devices and/or providing laminated readings that have been sanitized before and after each use and requiring reader to wear gloves while handling the reading, and/or providing one-time use readings that will be discarded after each meeting.
☐ Sanitizing all birthday chips and key tags prior to distribution and engaging in contactless presentation.
☐ Preventing meeting attendees from self-serving any items that are food-related by not providing coffee, snacks, or other items.
☐ Optional—Describe other measures:
Measures To Increase Sanitization
☐ Disinfecting wipes that are effective against COVID-19 are available at meeting location.
☐ Service member(s) assigned to disinfect high-contact surfaces frequently in addition to before and after designated meeting time (e.g. door handles).
☐ Hand sanitizer, soap and water, or effective disinfectant is available to service members and meeting attendees at or near the entrance of the facility, near literature, and anywhere else inside the facility or immediately outside where people have direct interactions.
☐ All surfaces (e.g. chairs, tables, door handles, light switches, etc.) are disinfected with wipes or cleaning materials effective against COVID-19 PRIOR to and AFTER the designated meeting time.
☐ Optional—Describe other measures:
* Any additional measures not included here should be listed on separate pages, which groups should attach to this document.
You may contact the following person with any questions or comments about this protocol:
Group Service Representative (GSR):
Phone number: